<?php // TODO: verificare se il percorso di partenza esiste ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MAIN $NL = "\r\n"; //Put here the directory you want to search for. Put / if you want to search your entire domain $dir = './'; //Put the date you want to compare with in the format of: YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss $comparedatestr = "2013-04-25 00:00:00"; $comparedate = strtotime($comparedatestr); //I run the function here to start the search. $exts = array(); $exts[] = "log"; $array = directory_tree(null, $dir, $comparedate, $exts); echo "array size is " . count($array) . $NL; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FUNCTIONS //This is the function which is doing the search... function directory_tree($array=array(), $address, $comparedate, $exts=array(), $newline="\r\n", $dir_sep="/"){ @$dir = opendir($address); if($dir){ while($entry = readdir($dir)){ $address = formatDir($address); $fullpath = $address . $dir_sep . $entry; if(is_dir($fullpath) && ($entry != ".." && $entry != ".")){ $array = directory_tree($array, $fullpath, $comparedate, $exts, $newline, $dir_sep); } else { if($entry != ".." && $entry != ".") { $last_modified = filemtime($fullpath); $last_modified_str= date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $last_modified); $ok = true; if(count($exts)>0){ $ext = pathinfo($fullpath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); // echo "ext: " . $ext; $ok = in_array($ext, $exts); } if($ok){ if($comparedate < $last_modified) { echo $fullpath . ' => ' . $last_modified_str . $newline; $array[$fullpath] = $last_modified; } } } } } } return $array; } function formatDir($string){ //if(substr($string, -1) == '/') { // $string = substr($string, 0, -1) //} //Another (probably better) option would be using rtrim() - this one removes all trailing slashes: $string = rtrim($string, '/'); return $string; } function mostRecentModifiedFileTime($dirName, $doRecursive) { $d = dir($dirName); $lastModified = 0; while($entry = $d->read()) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { if (!is_dir($dirName."/".$entry)) { $currentModified = filemtime($dirName."/".$entry); } else if ($doRecursive && is_dir($dirName."/".$entry)) { $currentModified = mostRecentModifiedFileTime($dirName."/".$entry,true); } if ($currentModified > $lastModified){ $lastModified = $currentModified; } } } $d->close(); return $lastModified; } ?>
// TODO: verificare se il percorso di partenza esiste
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MAIN
$NL = "\r\n"; //Put here the directory you want to search for. Put / if you want to search your entire domain $dir='./';
//I run the function here to start the search. $exts = array(); // $exts[] = "log"; $array = directory_tree(null, $dir, $exts); echo "array size is " . count($array) . $NL;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FUNCTIONS
//This is the function which is doing the search...
function directory_tree($array=array(), $address, $exts=array(), $newline="\r\n", $dir_sep="/"){
@$dir = opendir($address); if($dir){ while($entry = readdir($dir)){ $address = formatDir($address); $fullpath = $address . $dir_sep . $entry; if(is_dir($fullpath) && ($entry != ".." && $entry != ".")){ $array = directory_tree($array, $fullpath, $exts, $newline, $dir_sep); } else {
if($entry != ".." && $entry != ".") { $ok = true; if(count($exts)>0){ $ext = pathinfo($fullpath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); // echo "ext: " . $ext; $ok = in_array($ext, $exts); } if($ok){
$sha1 = get_sha1_file($fullpath); $md5 = get_md5_file($fullpath);
echo $fullpath . ' => ' . "SHA1: " . $sha1 . " MD5: " . $md5 . $newline; $array[$fullpath] = array($sha1, $md5);
} } } }
} return $array; }
function formatDir($string){
//if(substr($string, -1) == '/') { // $string = substr($string, 0, -1) //}
//Another (probably better) option would be using rtrim() - this one removes all trailing slashes:
$string = rtrim($string, '/');
return $string;
function get_sha1_file($file) {
if(is_null($file) || !file_exists($file)) {
return trigger_error('File is null or does not exists');
} return sha1_file($file);
function get_md5_file($file) {
if(is_null($file) || !file_exists($file)) {
return trigger_error('File is null or does not exists');
} return md5_file($file);